Click HERE for the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting


Click HERE for the Salem QM webpage.  

You can also find (and like) us on Facebook's  

"Woodstown Friends Meeting."

​​​Woodstown  ​Monthly
Meeting  of  Friends

CLERK: Sally Crane  sdcrane103(AT)comcast(DOT)net    856-687-5145

ASSISTANT CLERK: Gail Scuderi                  RECORDING CLERK: Terry Fox Ragone
RECORDER: Martha Hogan Battisti                          COLLECTOR: Colleen Prater
TREASURER: Jack Mahon    email:  jack(AT)salemcountybirding(DOT)org

CEMETERY: Woodstown Friends Cemetery is located at 63 West Av Woodstown NJ 08098
Doug Prater,  email: woodstownmm(AT)gmail(DOT)com           Read 


Woodstown Meeting is part of Salem Quarterly Meeting, which includes Greenwich, Mullica Hill, Mickleton, Salem, Seaville, and Woodbury Meetings. Quarterly meetings are  gatherings of members and attenders of monthly meetings that are geographically close to one another. They include worship, fellowship, business, and are usually held four times each year, thus the name “Quarterly Meeting.”

STEERING COMMITTEE: Mike Ayars; Jack Mahon;
COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES: Mike Ayars; Keith Ragone


Woodstown Meeting is also part Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, which comprises 103 congregations (meetings) located in eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, the state of Delaware, and the eastern shore of Maryland. Every year Friends from PYM meet to to discuss business and worship with friends.


Monthly Meeting Forms

Both are due on February 15

  •  Scholarship Application 
    (once the file opens, click the three dots next to the download button if you would like to print directly from the browser)
  •  Public School Grant 
    (once the file opens, click the three dots next to the download button if you would like to print directly from the browser)

Email: sdcrane103(AT)comcast(DOT)net

Salem Quarterly Meeting Form

Due on February 15

(once the file opens, click the three dots next to the download button if you would like to print directly from the browser)

Email: abberdabs(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

Yearly Meeting Information

Due on January 15 is a nationwide directory of unprogrammed Friends Meetings.

Click HERE to find other Meetings in our area.

We DO accept donations - for many purposes.  You may use Venmo or the PayPal button below.  Including your mailing address will allow us to properly acknowledge your gift.

Woodstown Monthly Meeting of Friends

PO Box 13

Woodstown  NJ  08098 

Email: woodstownmm(AT)gmail(DOT)com