​​​Woodstown  ​Monthly
Meeting  of  Friends

Sewing for Peace with

Seaville Friends Meeting

First Day School
[that's Sunday school] 9:15 am on selected Sundays.


Meeting for Worship, 10:30 am

Meeting for Business: Next, Sunday 2 February, 9:15 am. 

Salem Quarterly Meeting: Sunday 9 March 2025,

Woodstown Meetinghouse. 

Property & Finance: 1st Thursday, May, Sep., Nov., Jan., Mar. 7:00pm

Next: 16 January 2025.

Sewing for DYFS kids & expecting moms: Mondays 3-5 PM.




Friends, or Quakers, have traditionally referred to the days of the week by number. Thus, Sunday was "First Day."  While most of this custom has fallen away, Sunday School is still called First Day School.  Ours begins at 9:15 am on designated Sundays.

View our complete calendar

​              Looking back -- Four Years Ago
                        January 2020

      At the conclusion of Kahlil Gunther’s service as clerk of our Meeting, Friends united in expressing their gratitude for the many ways Kahlil has and continues to serve our Meeting. During his term as clerk, we appreciated his deft approach to potentially contentious issues that kept us focused on the search for common ground, and his ability to keep moving us forward while allowing room for open discussion. 

    We look forward to Kahlil’s continued service to our Meeting through Music at Friends and continuing to expand our outreach opportunities through Social media.  His skill and service remains a valued gift to our Meeting.  


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