Woodstown Monthly
Meeting of Friends
Sewing for Peace with
Seaville Friends Meeting
First Day School [that's Sunday school] 9:15 am on selected Sundays.
Meeting for Worship, 10:30 am.
Meeting for Business: Next, Sunday 2 March, 9:15 am.
Salem Quarterly Meeting: Sunday 9 March 2025,
Woodstown Meetinghouse. Delaware River Keepers
Property & Finance: 1st Thursday, May, Sep., Nov., Jan., Mar. 7:00pm
Next: 6 March 2025.
Sewing for DYFS kids & expecting moms: Mondays 3-5 PM.
Friends, or Quakers, have traditionally referred to the days of the week by number. Thus, Sunday was "First Day." While most of this custom has fallen away, Sunday School is still called First Day School. Ours begins at 9:15 am on designated Sundays.
View our complete calendar
Looking back -- Six Years Ago
February 2019
There was a report on the Thompson family in sanctuary in Philadelphia who are an example of an immigrant working family, responsible members of our community, who are working toward citizenship and who are being deported under current U.S. policies.
There was a feature article in last Sunday’s Inquirer. Two of the family members worked at Friends Village. The family cooks Jamaican suppers to raise money for citizenship papers. They need $560 to expedite the process. There was a request to send some support form benevolences.
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